Microscopio de fluorescencia

Our fluorescence microscopes are powerful instruments that provide exceptional imaging and visualization of fluorescently labeled specimens. Suitable for use in a range of applications, including pathology, genetics, and microbiology, our fluorescence microscopes provide precise and accurate results for any research project.

Our fluorescence microscopes are equipped with advanced objectives and filters that allow us to observe specific fluorophores with maximum sensitivity and minimal background noise. This unique imaging method helps researchers to study and understand cellular structure, function and activity in more detail. They are available in both upright and inverted configurations, with a range of magnification options.

Our fluorescence microscopes are designed to deliver high-quality and easy-to-use options for various research applications. With advanced features such as automated microscopy, easily interchangeable fluorescence filter cubes, and built-in cameras, our fluorescence microscopes help researchers to capture and document their experiments with great ease and accuracy.

At AMZ Instruments, we are committed to providing high-quality and durable microscopy equipment to our customers. Our fluorescence microscopes are built to last and provide years of reliable service.